Hey, Land Owners!


My name is Bobby Wallace and I help Land Owners who need to sell their land quickly
and would rather not pay agent commissions, attorney fees, closing costs, surveys,
“perc tests, and appraisals.

If you own land, may I ask you a few questions about your land?

Have you ever thought about selling your vacant land – I Buy Land.

Are you tired of paying property taxes year after year? – I Buy Land.
Sell me your land and you can use that tax money next year on a
vacation, cruise or “TOY” that you have been wanting.

Inherited a piece of land (someone else’s dream) and you don’t really
need the property? – I Buy “Inherited Land”.

Own land miles away from where you live that is in-the-middle-of-nowhere? – I Buy Land.
You won’t have to worry about the liability of someone getting hurt or dumping
refrigerators, couches, and other junk there.

Listed your land with a real estate agent and it didn’t sell? – I Buy Land.
(Most agents don’t understand land; they make more money showing houses)

Been holding onto a piece of land for years because your plans changed? I Buy Land.

I understand. The market for vacant land moves in cycles of 12-15 years. Every cycle
ends in a “small crash” and then it takes another 12-15 years to rebound.
(Sometimes even longer). Money experts and real estate experts are saying we are
looking at another cycle as this crazy real estate markets “corrects” again.
(After all it is Election Year!)

When this happens the “Bubble Bursts”, prices plummet and buyers stop buying.

That’s when the waiting game begins again for the next cycle to top again in another
12-15 years.

Now, my last question is “Which “top of the cycle do you want to sell your land at?
This ONE or the next one in 12-15 more years?

Did I mention that I buy land?

Listen. if you are like a lot of folks, you got a great deal on your land years ago and “LIFE”
threw them a curve and their plans changed. Now, the only person benefiting from
your land is the county tax assessor!

Why not sell your land to me?

I am ready to make you a fair, firm written offer on your vacant land today. We can close
on your terms. I can normally close FAST because we don’t have to wait on “bank approvals.”
Listen. if you are like a lot of folks, you got a great deal on your land years ago and “LIFE”
threw them a curve and their plans changed. Now, the only person benefiting from
your land is the county tax assessor!

Why not sell your land to me?

I am ready to make you a fair, firm written offer on your vacant land today. We can close
on your terms. I can normally close FAST because we don’t have to wait on “bank approvals.”

The advantage to you is you will not have to pay a real estate agent, appraisals, surveys, “perc tests”,
an attorney, closing costs, etc.

But, the real value to you is that you will not have to pay any more tax bills, maintenance, or worry
about the liability of a hunter or child getting hurt “TRESPASSING” on your land or getting a bill
from the county code enforcement officer because someone too lazy to go to the land fill, dumped
an old refrigerator, couch, on your land, (Unfortunately, that does happen.)

Does selling your land to me make sense?

Only you know the answer to that question. If you have questions and would like to discuss selling
your land, email me at sellyourvacantlandfast@gmail.com or give me a call (843) 200-5617.

It doesn’t cost a penny to talk!

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